Happy May to all you blogging buddies. The weather still was a little chilly out here so not much got done in the yard.........My bleeding hearts are thriving, these were transplanted a few years back and I have come to realize that plants do need to be moved...............I have been in my home for over 25 years and all the plants were planted by myself of my husband. I have been moving things around the last 2 years due to the plant was to big and it out grew its current location and also I have to admit I created another yard,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,OH YES!!!! so now I have three yards instead of two.........so next time you want to move a plant to a new spot go for it, mother nature takes over and the plant has a natural will to live so the perfomance will be unbeliveable................. Let me know your experience of moving plants, shrubs or even trees..............................and also a special hello to my new swap partner Susan.............XO MARY