My brother in law was so happy to send this photo on FACEBOOK, this photo is from his 4th of JULY trip to the East of the Mountains. He is such a tease..................I would of sat on this bench and would of not budged till I was able to bring it home with me. I can only imagine the fun it would be to have this item..........Has anyone ever seen one of these B-4. Have a nice day hope you all al doing well with the HEAT WAVE....................XO MARY

I'm lovin' it Mary...can't you see a bunch of lil' rug rats in their jammies jumpin' up and down on the springs...what fun!
Love the eye candy below too, you would love the wallpaper in my kitchen too, it's old and peeling and shabby and soooo me!!!
I just had a chunk of old plaster fall off the ceiling in my kitchen, from years as a migrant tenant house and roof leaks, but it looks so derned cute with the lathe showing through, I'm leaving it...most men would freak!!!
And yes, I love the burlap on my kitchen windows, it's perfect right along with the hole in the plaster...heehee...!
Have a great day gal...talk to ya soon!
PS...I wanna be Tasha T. when I grow up!!!
Morning Mary! Yes I LOVE that bench and would also spend the day there with magazines and my coffee of course!lol what views too! I also love that cabinet in your previous post and I'm sure I would fill it too (with white stuff!!) Hope you were able to complete your walkway - I love the photo one you showed - I'm a brick lover!!lol I enjoyed my first visit to you and am so glad you stopped by my place - Enjoy the weekend! Sincerely, Jeannette
Thank you for your kindness.
I have enjoyed your pictures too...
Best wishes, MARTHA
Hi Dear Mary,
I love the garden bench, it reminds me of simple times of sitting outside in the evening with the family and sipping lemonade or eating some homemade icecream. would love to see a picture of your new walkway to your shop when you get it completed.
Thanks for coming to visit me and for your sweet comments.
love the bench....thanks for cheking out my blog...xoxo...sandra
love the bench..thanks for checking ouy my blog...xoxo..sandra
Love, love this bench too, what a nice blog you have here!
yes, I would also love this bench - bed. Could see it piled high with pillows to take a cat nap in this heat.
Love all the inspiration for a new kitchen.
Hope you got my e-mail written yesterday. Had some trouble with my cp or maybe it was just the miserable headache I had. Better today,
hugs, Evi
I love it too , Mary.
I can see myself sitting under a tree reading and sipping . Bliss!!!!
Hi Mary,
Love the couch....your brother has good taste too.
just wanted to let you know that your posts aren't updating on my sidebar. it might be just mine....hope so.
Good morning in this early ouer, I hope all is well with you! Glad you did find you way to my page ... because then I could find to yours ... Your site is so wonderful I will definitely return. Hugs from Sweden Jeanette
So cute, I'd paint it white and make a huge plump cushion, tall glass of lemonade...
It's a beautiful bench!!!
I think it must be the first futon...lol...it "is" very wonderful...Better make him take you there and see if you can make a deal!
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